Click on any Photo below to see a Gallery; then click on any Photo to enlarge or see slideshow.
We encourage you to share photos, or other images, that you may have from either elementary school or Mumford. The more we get, the more enjoyable we make the website. It is our hope that we continue to enjoy this medium of contact that we will keep live at least until our 60th. WANT TO ADD A PICTURE of your own. Here is how: Submit photo images in .jpg format, use Picasa or any editing software to shrink the file size. Because we are limited in space, we ask that you do not upload files larger than 1MB; in fact, for this gallery 500K is just fine. If you are scanning images, please scan them to meet the above limits.
If you have any old photos from our school days, please click on the appropriate Mumford or elementary school gallery; then, click the ADD PHOTOS button, and follow the instructions.
As an option, to make it easy to include your photos, please e-mail the .jpg images to MARSHALL KORBY (<---click on name); again, if possible, please shrink your file size to less than 1mb. Marshall will upload the images to the website; be sure to tell him in your e-mail into which album you want the images to go, and it will also help to include any identifying information.