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 Scroll down to See Other Mumford Class of "61" Home Page content changes and additions:

1. A Mumford High School Literacy

2. In Memory Notices - Michael Shubow

3. Remembering our Mumford Website co-founder Ben Craine

4. Mumford Memories


1 . Our Mumford High School Staying up to                               date and Literate - From the Daze 

  Some new words offered to the Oxford English Dictionary

1. ARBITRATOR - A cook that leaves Arby's to work at McDonald's. 
  The act of torching a mortgage. 

  What a crook sees through. 

  What a bullfighter tries to do. 

  Workers who put together kitchen cabinets. 

  What the bank robbers did when their bag was full of money.

  7. HEROES 
  What a man in a boat does. 

  What you see from the Eiffel Tower. 

  Two physicians. 

  A helper on a farm. 

  11. RELIEF 
  What trees do in the spring. 

  What you do to relax your wife. 

  13. SELFISH 
  What the owner of a seafood store does.

  14. SUDAFED 
  Brought litigation against a government official. 


2. In Memory Section:

Michael Shubow of Bay area, CA passed January 25, 2025. See his page in the in Memory section for 

memorial information.

 May his memory be a blessing and may Michael rest in peace


George Leikin of Bloomfield Hills, Mi passed after sunset on October 28tht,  2024. His Funeral is October 30th

To add your thoughts and memories of Grorges go to his page.  Tap this live link: In Memory to do so.

 May his memory be a blessing and may George rest in peace

3.  Remembering Our Mumford Website co-administrator, Benjamin (Ben) H. Craine  of Bloomfield Township, Michigan,
passed away after sunset on June 26, 2022. 
As Co- editor, this website reflects his true goodness, caring nature and inclusive values.
As a true mensch he made your heart smile, knew the right thing to do and as a decision maker
artfully shared his thinking. Ben's page - Tap this live link:  "In Memory" 

FYI: By tapping any link  "In Memory"  above, you will be taken to  our classmate's page to add your thoughts -

to remember.







Reunion Pictures:

**Photo Images are best viewed on computer not cell phone**

Collens image

Jackie DeYoung, Alyssa Kahn Mertz, Judie Hertz Lax

Bobbie Malin

Suzanne Finkel Rosen, Bobbie Malin, Judy Goodfriend Sanders

collens image

Arnie Collens, George Economy, Linda Pollard Puner

  Collens image

   Reunion committee members:

(L-R) Henry Gornbein - Music, Judy Schultz Ancell -Notify the Class, Peppy Pont Levy - Venue, Bob Dovitz - Co-Chair, Judie Hertz Lax - Notify the Class, Edie Morris Hoffman - Decorations, Bobbie Keystone Malin - Registration, Sandy Melder - Accommodations, Arnie Collens - Website & Co-Chair. Not pictured: Mike Kasky - Bus Tour Chair, Mike Schermer - Notify the Class Chair, Marv Weinstein - Treasurer,  Shel Goldstein - Music   

Collens image

Mumford Pool - (L-R) Mike Schermer - Chair Notify the Class, Audrey Feldman - Notify the Class, Mike Raick, Sandy Melder, Bill & Marlene Rosen Oleshansky, Henry Gornbein, Linda Cole Berry, Carol Steen Jones, Shirley Saltzman, Sheila Goldstein Cascade 

Collens image

Mumford 61 Class Officers January Class Secretary - Sandy Yolles,

June Class Vice President - Fred Doner

Julian Smith in the background

Barry Tigay, Marty Portney, Carol Steen Jones, Arnie Collens

   1.  Thank You - Reunion comments 

"What a warm feeling - the Committee outdid itself"

"I was touched! Reconnecting is beautiful"

"Attention to detail made every minute more special"

"If you didn't have a chance to read Shirley Saltzman's 

We Are One poem, it is moving"    

(Shirley has posted it. To read, Tap the button "Class Chat Talk & Share" above) 

"How can you have a whole weekend event, and say                       when it is over, no one is complaining?" Smiles!!

"Last minute, had to cancel - know it was spectacular!"

"We had fun - true - laughter is the best medicine"

"Bus Tour was beyong great then I got to the Brunch -Wow"

"Still smiling. It was a time warp and I loved all of it. Saw old friends and found new ones"

Classmates that asked to share their email with you:

         Worth waiting 60 years for

                     Dear Arnie, Bob and the Entire Team,

               Thank you for perfection! 

               Every detail was attended, every need anticipated, every comfort crafted. 

               This couldn’t have been the outstanding weekend it was without your tireless

               commitment to the ideal experience. 

                With deep appreciation and gratitude,

                           Sandy Rubin Tessler

                      David Soffa remarks:

                  Recovering from jet lag and reflecting on the special experiences of the weekend.

                On behalf of those who just came and enjoyed all your hard work,

                I want to thank all the committee members.

                You did a great job and I know the surviving members of the class of 61 are truly grateful.

                 Hope to see you all at the 70th Best David  


2.  Coming soon - A new Gallery for posting reunion pictures 

      Get you  reunion pictures ready to load on to our site this weekend 

3.  Now a Memory:







Mumford Memories - RESCUED


                                            Trophiy: Mumford Track - City Champions



Would you like to  select how often, when, what, and from whom you want to hear from class members or the class? Interested in following what classmates are doing?
               Set your Personal Preference settings on our website:
                                         Here's How:

 Using "Notify Me":  When and How do you want to be notified about changes to our Website and Class News? 

 1.  Log in to our Mumford61.com website. Look at the very top right corner of the page. 

 2. In the purple headband click on the person icon 

 3. Select Notify Me

Notify Me offers a convenient way of keeping up with what's happening on our site by asking you how, what and from who you wish to keep in contact and receivie personal or class email.

 4. On the Notify Me page, you select from a variety of options.  Selecting in the "Immediate" column generates email as it is sent to you.  You may decide to select the setting to receive email "Once Daily;" to reduce the number of emails you receive on any given day.  Also, you may selectively decide to "Never" receive certain classes  or types of email. 

You decide when you want to hear from the class and can select from our class list only those you wish to hear from.

 5. The choice is yours.  Take the time to look now, fill in each question to best meet your     needs.

Hint: Add getting notices from "Class Chat: Talk & Share" to join the conversation and let us Mustangs in on what you're thinking. Have you tried it?
















Some Facts about our Website . . . We Communicate!!

  • We opened the site October 1, 2010  
  • We've enjoyed over 177,540 classmate visits to our site since inception. Only classmates may use our site
  • We have never had a day without a classmate visit
  • We've exchanged thousands of in site messages and countless off site communications
  • Thank You !!


Picture Section:

Scroll down the page:








Now Gone - Our Mumford remains a reflection within the New Building by: A Collens 

What does it look like Where you Live? 

Send pictures, we'll credit you and put them here:

Downtown Detroit & Riverwalk Images

by: Arnie Collens


Good any time of year: the wall at Buddy's Conant & 6 Mile, Detroit
Have a picture? Post in Class Chat: Talk and Share  What Summer looks like where you live.


Mumford High School Alumni Association
Mumford High School Alumni Association
Quick Links...    
Alumni Announcement Line
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Visit our MUMFORD TODAY Photo Gallery to see images of the demolition on 7/24/2012 [Out with the Old] and some photos of the new building [In with the New].




NoteIf you are a class member who has not yet joined the website, find your name in the list on the CLASSMATE PROFILES page in the left grey column, click it and register.


              Send Your Pictures to our PHOTO SECTION (<-- click to go to photos).



To update your PROFILE information, please click on CLASSMATE PROFILES, here or in the gray column to the left.  Then, find your name in the list of classmates, and click on your name.  During the update, you will have the opportunity to determine how much of your information you want available to the public [anyone who visits the site] and how much you want restricted to class members who are logged in.  Some thoughts with regards to . . .


When adding your PROFILE information be sure to update the following fields:

1.  PROFILE VISIBILITY:   We URGE you to CHECK this box. Leaving this box unchecked will allow ALL persons (members and non-members) to see portions of your profile.  Checking this box will secure your data so that ONLY members can view this. 

2.  CONTACT DETAILS This box should be UNCHECKED if you do not want your address and phone numbers visible on this site.




Arnie Collens & Ben Craine of Blessed Memory
            Web design             

Site Meter




Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!