I graduated WSUMedicalSchool in 1969 and completed a residency program in Anesthesiology 34 yrs ago. I married the love of my life, Howard Lefton, met when we were 20, and went thru MedSchool together. We moved to California to practice, and have been here 25 years.
We have two wonderful kids. Ron is 29 and a tax attorney, Helene is 31 and principal of a huge Jr. High. Between the two of them we have two grandchildren and a third due next week (day before Thanksgiving). I am also fortunate that they both live within 4 miles of each other and from us.
About 9 years ago, I retired from private practice and switched careers. I am a medical director for a large insurance company. They put me through business courses, and I have enjoyed my second career in administration. Howard has been retired for four years and spends his time with his amigos and as "Papa Nanny" a few days a week.
I am sorry to miss the reunion, but will be awaiting the arrival of our next grandson.
Michael Stecker MD
A kind and intelligent woman. She will be missed.
Harriet Stocker, M.D. 2001 autobiography, as well as those from others Mumford 1961 classmates can be read at:
Harriet Stocker
For the 40th reunion Bio she wrote:
We have two wonderful kids. Ron is 29 and a tax attorney, Helene is 31 and principal of a huge Jr. High. Between the two of them we have two grandchildren and a third due next week (day before Thanksgiving). I am also fortunate that they both live within 4 miles of each other and from us.
About 9 years ago, I retired from private practice and switched careers. I am a medical director for a large insurance company. They put me through business courses, and I have enjoyed my second career in administration. Howard has been retired for four years and spends his time with his amigos and as "Papa Nanny" a few days a week.
I am sorry to miss the reunion, but will be awaiting the arrival of our next grandson.
Harriet (Stocker) Lefton
You can reach me at hlefton@yahoo.com